Charles fuit les contraintes du quotidien en passant tous ses temps libres comme maître de jeu dans les parties dans le Monde de Farador avec ses deux colocs et amis de toujours, Louis et Guillaume. Mais, le retour inattendu de sa sœur au pays viendra perturber leur petite routine. En proie à une profonde crise existentielle, Kim mettra tout en œuvre pour que Charles réalise ses rêves alors que les deux autres vont tout faire pour l’en empêcher. Dès lors, les affrontements dans le monde fantastique et dans la vie réelle prendront une nouvelle dimension. Ce sera… la légendaire bataille de Farador !
Charles escapes the constraints of everyday life by spending all his free time as a game master in the World of Farador with his two roommates and lifelong friends, Louis and Guillaume. But the unexpected return of his sister to the country will disrupt their little routine. In the grip of a deep existential crisis, Kim will do everything in her power to make Charles' dreams come true, while the other two will do everything in their power to prevent it. From then on, the confrontations in the fantasy world and in real life will take a new dimension. It will be... the legendary battle of Farador!
Charles escapes the constraints of everyday life by spending all his free time as a game master in the World of Farador with his two roommates and lifelong friends, Louis and Guillaume. But the unexpected return of his sister to the country will disrupt their little routine. In the grip of a deep existential crisis, Kim will do everything in her power to make Charles' dreams come true, while the other two will do everything in their power to prevent it. From then on, the confrontations in the fantasy world and in real life will take a new dimension. It will be... the legendary battle of Farador!