Compilation tracks:
1. The ups and downs of being a flight attendant - Diane Tell
2. Striptease - Ariane Moffatt
3. Around the block - Marie Denise Pelletier
4. I am twelve years old - Charlotte Cardin
5. I met the man of my life - Marie-Pierre Arthur
6. Oxygen - Catherine Major
7. What - Alexandre Désilets
8. A happy memory - Pierre Lapointe
9. Hymn to the beauty of the world - Roch Voisine
10. Thank you - Diane Dufresne
This unique compilation offers songs by the diva revisited by Diane Tell, Pierre Lapointe, Ariane Moffatt, Catherine Major, Marie-Pierre Arthur, Alexandre Désilets, Marie Denise Pelletier, Charlotte Cardin and Roch Voisine.